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※ The treatment results may vary from person to person. Please consult the doctor before treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions //

The tortuous tiny red or blue vessels, 0.1 mm or smaller in width, are called "spider veins" or "telangiectaisa" (Figure 1).  
The bigger blue vessels that mildly protrude or no protrude above skin and 1-3 mm in width are called "reticular veins" (Figure 2).
Severely engorged vessels that apparently protrude above skin and usually more than 3mm in width are called "varicose veins" (Figure 3).


reticular veins,varicose veins,spider veins
Figure 1
reticular veins,varicose veins,spider veins
Figure 2
Tortuous reticular veins
reticular veins,varicose veins,spider veins
Figure 3
Varicose veins
What specialty of doctor should I see if I have varicose veins or spider veins ?
Find a vascular specialist surgeon who can provide integrated and complete treatment for you (EVLA, Microsclerotherapy, Ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy, mini-phblebectomy, surgery, etc.).
Is there any medicine that can cure my varicose veins ?

At present, there is no any drug that can cure varicose veins. Some venoactive drugs such as Escin can alleviate the swelling symptoms but have no role in radical treatment of varicose veins.

For acute inflammation of a varicose veins, an anti-inflammatory drug such as Ibuprofen or Ketoprofen can alleviate the inflammatory and painful symptoms. However, definitive treatment is required to prevent recurrence.

I have severe varicose veins. What is the treatment method ?

There is no single treatment that can cure all types of varicose veins and spider veins. Patients with various types of lesions usually require integrated treatment, that is, combination of EVLA, injection microsclerotherapy, ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy, mini-phlebectomy, etc. 


For people who need to stand for a long time, wearing a pair of graduated compression stockings are suggested. Elevation of legs on rest helps venous blood return and hence reduce leg venous pressure.


For patients with apparent spider veins or reticular veins, injection microsclerotherapy or cutaneous laser may be required.


For patients with overt tortuous varicose veins, EVLA or ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy are frequently required.

What are the operations for varicose veins ?
The surgical treatment for varicose veins can be simply divided into two parts, the traditional and the minimally invasive operation. 
Traditional method
Ligation of the origin of great saphenous vein at groin or small saphenous vein in popliteal fossa and then stripping out the whole refluxing segment of the vein.
This method is covered by  National Health Insurance of Taiwan, which is its main advantage.
The disadvantages of this method is big wound, high recurrence rate, great tissue destruction, subcutaneous hematoma, frequent nerve injury, femoral vein injury, poor wound healing or relatively high possibility of wound infection.
Minimally invasive endothermal ablation

It can be endovenous laser ablation (EVLA) or radiofrequency ablation (RFA). These methods utilize heat to close the refluxing saphenous veins or perforating veins by inserting the laser fiber or radiofrequency catheter into the target vein through a small needle hole.    


The advantages of the methods are tiny wound, low recurrence rate, little tissue destruction, immediate recovery, low possibility of wound infection or poor healing and rare nerve damage. 


The disadvantage is that it is not covered by National Health Insurance of Taiwan. However, many private health insurances have reimbursement for this operation. 

Is the cutaneous laser useful for varicose veins or spider veins ?
Cutaneous laser with wave length 980 nm or 1064 nm can be used to treat small leg spider veins. However, it is less effective than sclerotherapy for treatment of reticular veins or large spider veins. The recurrence rate of using cutaneous laser as an exclusive method is high. Cutaneous laser is ineffective for varicose veins. Cutaneous laser with wave length 532 nm is effective for facial spider veins or reticualar veins.
Is sclerotherapy useful for varicose veins or spider veins ?
Sclerotherapy is a useful method for treating spider veins, reticular veins and small varicose veins whose diameters are less than 4 mm. For varicose veins larger than 4mm in diameter, sclerotherapy is less effective than EVLA, RFA, or mini-phlebectomy. 
Is there any side effect of sclerotherapy ?
In general, sclerotherapy is a very safe method if it is used properly. Potential side effects include bruising, or hyperpigmentation which usually recover spontaneously in weeks or months. Cutaneous necrosis or deep vein thrombosis are very rare side effects. 
※ The treatment results may vary from person to person. Please consult the doctor before treatment.

台中 (Taichung)

Address: 408 台中市南屯區文心路一段232號

TEL: (04) 2473-6366


高雄 (Kaohsiung)

Address: 802 高雄市苓雅區中華四路98號

TEL: (07) 536-7921


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