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※ The treatment results may vary from person to person. Please consult the doctor before treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions //

How do I prevent recurrence after varicose vein operation ?
It is suggested to wear the compression stocking for at least one month after operation to prevent early recurrence. In this period, the stockings should be worn all time except supine position. Long-term prevention of recurrence can be seen on the subpage "Prevention and Daily-Care". 
How can I choose a suitable compression stocking ?
The size of the compression stocking is determined according to the circumferences and lengths at different levels of your legs, including ankle, proximal calf, knee, distal and proximal thigh, buttock. A suitable compression pressure is choozen according to your medical condition. Guide to Recommended Compression.  
Where will the blood go if the varicose veins are removed or closed ?
Our venous system is a highly interconnected network, not a single way. The blood flow in the varicose veins is opposite to the normal one that cause venous blood stasis and venous hypertension. Removing or closing the varicose veins will re-direct the blood flow to the normal pathways (ex. deep veins) via collateral veins.  It will reduce venous hypertension of affected area by decreasing recirculation and flow overloading.
How can I do for my calf wound which has been there for a long time ? 

The calf wounds originated from venous problem usually exist for a long time if they are not treated correctly. The main cause of the poorly healing wound is the venous hypertension due to venous insufficiency. The precedent symptoms are skin discoloration and thickening called "lipodermatosclerosis" or "stasis dermatitis".


The causes of venous hypertension can be deep vein thrombosis, superficial or deep vein reflux, incompetent perforating vein. Find out the causes and treat them. A graduated compression hosiery with proper wound care is the key to successful healing. 

What will be the treatment cost of varicose veins ?
The treatment fees vary widely from people to people. They may range from several thousand to several ten-thousand Tawian Dolloars. They depend on what kind of procedure and how many treatment sessions you need. For example, varicose veins that need endovenous laser or surgery usually cost higher than those with sclerotherapy. Some patients may need both. In generaly, the cost is proportional to the severity and extent of the disease. Please refer to the following link for further information:
What is the down time after treatment ?
Patients who receive endovenous laser treatement, radiofrequency ablation, or sclerotherapy can walk immediately after the procedures. They can usually return to their work in 1-2 days. 
Is it painful during varicose vein treatment ?
The endovenous laser treatement or radiofrequency ablation are underwent under local anesthesia. You may feel slight temporary discomfort (swelling, soreness) during the anesthesia but will not feel pain on laser or radiofrequency treatment. Temporay pain may be felt during sclerotherapy. It usually lasts for seconds to minutes on each injection and then goes away.  
Will the varicose veins come back after treatment ?
The recurrence rates after endovenous laser treatement or radiofrequency ablation are reported to be 0% ~ 5%. Most spider veins and reticular veins disappear permanently after sclerotherapy. However, some patients may develop new lesions several months to years after treatment. Recurrence can be reduced by wearing compression stockings, avoidance of standing too long, regular exercise and reducing body weight. 
Will oral contraceptives increase the risk of varicose veins ?
There is no evidence showing that the risk of varicose veins is increased by oral contraceptives. However, these kinds of drugs are reported to increase the chance of venous blood clot formation, such as deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, intracranial venous thrombosis.
I am taking aspirin or long-term anticoagulant (blood-thinning drugs). Should I stop the drug before treatment ?
The current evidences show that patients do not need to stop aspirin or anticoagulant if they are going to receive endovenous laser treatment, radiofrequency ablation, or sclerotherapy for varicose veins.
I frequently hear about the news about varicose vein laser. What actually is it ?
In general, there are two kinds of varicose vein laser. 

[Endovenous Laser]


Endovenous laser treatment is a minimally invasive procedure that a laser fiber is inserted into the refluxing vein. The vein is closed by the laser light conducted through the fiber. This is a very effective treatment for truncal vein reflux (great saphenous vein or small saphenous vein) with the successful rate 95-100%. 

Endovenous Laser

[Cutaneous Laser]


Cutaneous laser is mainly used for the tiny superficial spider veins. The energy is absorbed by the hemoglobin in the vein which is then detroyed by the laser heat.

Cutaneous Laser
Which one is better for the treatment of spider vein and reticular vein, sclerotherapy or cutaneous laser ?

Sclerotherapy is still the gold standard for spider vein and reticular vein. It is injected into the feeder reticular vein to act on the downstream spider veins. The recurrence rate of sclerotherapy is less than cutaneous laser. However, cutaneous laser can be used when the vein is too small to be injected.



Cutaneous laser

Cutaneous laser

※ The treatment results may vary from person to person. Please consult the doctor before treatment.

台中 (Taichung)

Address: 408 台中市南屯區文心路一段232號

TEL: (04) 2473-6366


高雄 (Kaohsiung)

Address: 802 高雄市苓雅區中華四路98號

TEL: (07) 536-7921


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